Title: Chain Reaction
By: Simone Elkeles
Published: August 16th, 2011
Published by: Walker Books
Rating: 4/5 Stars
Summary: Luis Fuentes has always been sheltered from the gang violence that nearly destroyed his brothers' lives. But that didn't stop him from taking risks - whether he's scaling a mountain in the Rockies or dreaming of a future as an astronaut, Luis can't stop looking for the next thrill. Nikki Cruz lives her life by three rules - boys lie to get their way, don't trust a boy who says "I love you," and never date a boy from the south side of Fairfield. Her parents may be from Mexico, but as a doctor's daughter she has more in common with her north-side neighbors than the Latino Blood at her school. Then she meets Luis at Alex's wedding, and suddenly, she's tempted to break all her rules. Getting Nikki to take a chance on a south sider is Luis's biggest challence, until he finds himself targeted by Chuy Soto, the new head of the Latino Blood. When Chuy reveeals a disturbing secret about Luis's family, the youngest Fuentes finds himself questioning everything he's ever believed to be true. Will his feelings for Nikki be enough to stop Luis from entering a dark and violent world and permanently living on the edge?
I absolutely loved the characters in this book because they felt very real and it seemed like you can find some kind of connection with all of them. Since Luis is the youngest of the Fuentes, he's also no different from Alex and Carlos because he does like to flirt around with other girls and he doesn't take relationships very seriously. I felt really bad for Nikki but sometimes she also pissed me off because it seemed like she couldn't trust anyone sometimes and that is also very understandable. And I hate the Latino Blood and Chuy. He is downright evil.
The plot was kind of a down for me because it's somehow always similar to the first two books. There was probably only a couple of things in there that was new. Other then that, I still did enjoy this book because I like the fact that its from different view points as well because that way it's easier to understand what the two characters are feeling and thinking.
I would recommend this book to anyone that likes the first two books in this series. Its kinda like a good girl meets bad boy concepts still. Out of all three of the books, Perfect Chemistry was my favorite.
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